Ideational meaning is one of three functions of language. Ideational meaning is
meaning about phenomena, about things (living and non living, abstract and
concrete), about goings on (what the things are or do) and the circumstances
surrounding these happenings and doings. The aims of this research are to
identify the ideational meaning realized in speech of reporting Covid-19 news and
to find out the most dominant process type found in speeech of reporting Covid19
news. Descriptive qualitave method was applied. The data were collected from
the speech of reporting Covid-19 news by Achmad Yurianto as the object of
research. Data collection methods were used watching in youtube based on real
situation. The activities in the data analysis was included data reduction, data
display and data veritification. From 15 clauses which have been analyzed,
Researcher find out six sequences of process. They are Material process (5) which
presents the process of doing and happening, Relational process (3) which shows
the process of being and having, Mental process (3) which reflects the process of
thinking, feeling and perception,Verbal process (2) which involvest he process of
saying or giving message through language, Behavioral process (0) which
presents the process of behaving, and Existential process (2) which presents the
process of existence. The most dominant process here is material process.