The research was a quantitative research. The objective of this research was to
find out the effect of applying project based learning on the students’ creative
thinking skill in writing narrative text. The research was conducted at SMPN 38
MEDAN by used google classroom and zoom application. The population of this
research was ninth grade students of SMPN 38 Medan academic year 2020/2021.
The sample of the research were 32 students. They are from IX-4 class. The
instrument for collecting the data was written test. The result showed that the
mean of pre test was 51 and the mean of post test was 78. The t-table with 5%
significance of degree freedom was 2.04. The result of t-observed was 8.50. The tobserved was higher than t-table (8.50 > 2.04). So, it stated that the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.