This study deals with imp;icature in the presidential elections debate between Barack
Obama and John McCain. The aims of this study are (1) to describe kinds of
implicature in presidential elections between Barack Obama and John McCain (2) to
derive the dominant type of implicature used in presidential elections between Barack
Obama and John McCain. The technique used in this study was library research, and
was conducted at the library of UMSU at jalan Muchtar Basri No.3 Medan by using
descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study were taken from in the
presidential elections between Barack Obama and John Mccain on September 26th
2008. There are !8 ssentance. The finding of this study showed that there were three
types of implicature found in the presidential elections debate between Barack Obma
and John McCain, namely, conversations implicature, generalized implicature,
particularizwd implicature. There are three types of implicature used in presidential
elections debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. The total percentage of
each types of implicature was 5% or 27,8% of conversational, 8% or 44,4% of
generalized, 5% or 27,8% of particularized. So the most dominant types of
implicature of the presidential elections devate between Barack Obama and John
McCain is generalized implicature tipes