This study deals with the effect of applying integrative method combined with breaking
up strategy on the students’ listening achievement. The objective of the research was to
investigate the effect of applying integrative method combined with breaking up strategy on the
students’ achievement in listening. This research was conducted in SMP PAB 9 Klambir Lima,
in the even semester 2016/2017 academic year. This is an experimental research which applied
one test pretest-posttest design. The population of this research was the eight grade students
which consisted of six parallel classes, with 265 students. By using purposive sampling
technique, class VIII-5 consisting of 42 students was choosen as the sample. To obtain the data,
multiple choice test comprising of 20 items was administrated to the students. The result showed
that ttest is higher than ttable (31.13 ≥ 1.684) α = 0.05, and df = 40. It means that the Ha is accepted
and Ho is rejected. Thus, applying integrative method combined with breaking up strategy has a
significant effect on the students’ achievement in listening.