This research was carried out to 1) find out the effect of applying Choral
Reading (CR) method on the students‟ achievement in pronouncing words of the
poems. 2) find out to study difficulties in pronouncing words of the poems
applying Choral reading (CR) method. This research has been conducted at SMP
SUTAN OLOAN MEDAN, at Jalan Sutan Oloan Medan No 1. The population of
this research were the nineth grade students of SMP SUTAN OLOAN MEDAN
academic year 2017/2018. There were one classes in this school with total number
25 students and all of the students were taken as the sample. They were 25
students from class IX as experimental group which taught by applying Choral
Reading (CR) Method. The Instrument for collecting data in this research was oral
test where students were asked to pronouncing words of the poems which use pretest and post-test. The total of right answer is 100. The material of test was taken
from internet (English pronunciation) for grade IX junior high school. The test is
administrating for the following reason. The test was divided in two sessions, the
first was pre-test before treatment. The second was post-test after the treatment.
The result of this research showed that tobserved value was higher than ttable in which
tobs > ttable (12.32 > 2.06). The hypothesis was accepted. It means that there was a
significant effect of applying Choral Reading (CR) Method on the students
achievement in pronouncing words of the poems.