The study entitled “Hyponymy Analysis on The Happy Prince Short Story by Oscar
Wilde”discussescategory of hyponymy dominantly found in The Happy Prince short
story, how hyponymy is used in The Happy Prince short storyand why the dominant
category of hyponymy used in The Happy Prince. The objective of this study is 1) to
find out the most dominant hyponymy category in The Happy Prince short story 2) to
describe how hyponymy is used in The Happy Prince short story, and 3) to figure out
why the dominant category of hyponymy used in The Happy Prince short story.
Cruse (2002) theory is used to analyzed hyponymy words. Research method applies
qualitative descriptive. The source of this study isThe Happy Prince short story by
Oscar Wilde. And the data used in this study are data words that are includes in
hyponymy. The finding of this study is the researcher found 60 words of hyponymy
in the data which is divied into 19 categories namely: number, reptile, mammals,
bugs, bird, colour, sex, male, woman, fruit, occupation, size, sense, part of body,
appearance, place, season, time, and flower. Part of body as the dominant category of
hyponymy with 10 words that the researcher found in this short story because uses
human as the objects in the story.