Red ginger is one of the discovery-finding commodities that is widely
traded in the world.Indonesian society generally uses red ginger as a mixture of
food and beverage ingredients. Along with increasing community needs for
ginger, it is necessary to make diversified processed products. Encapsulation
serves to protect active compounds con tained in materials.This study uses a
Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with two factorials. The first
factor is the ratio of ginger and solvent distilled water (B) which consists of 3
levels, namely B1 = 1: 2, B2 = 1: 1, B3 = 2: 1. Factor II is the concentration of
maltodextrin consisting of 3 levels, namely M1 = 10%, M2 = 15% and M3 =
20%. Parameters observed were Juice Ginger Volume, Ginger JuiceWeight,
JuiceGinger Density, Juice Ginger Rendment, Water Content, Ash Content,
Ginger Powder Rendment, Oleoresin and Organoleptic Rendents.From the results
of statistical fingerprint analysis on each parameter: The ratio of ginger and
aquades solvents had very significant different effects (p <0.01) on water content,
ash content, yield of organoleptic powder color, taste, and aroma. The addition of
maltodextrin concentration gave a very significant different effect (p <0.01) on the
yield of powder while the water content, ash content, organoleptic color, taste and
aroma gave no significant effect (p> 0.05).