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Title: The Implementation of Shared Reading Strategy to Improve the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension
Authors: Mayana, Intari
Keywords: Shared Reading Strategy
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2017
Abstract: This study was aimed to find out the improvement students’ achievement in reading comprehension by using shared reading strategy. This skripsi was applied Class Action Research (CAR). It was done through planning, action, observation, and reflection. The location of this research was at SMP PAB 9 Klambir V, Jl. Klambir V Kab. Deli Serdang Kec. Hamparan Perak in academic year 2016/2017. The aims research subject test findings was all students in VIII-1 and consisted of 30 students. Based on the students’ reading score, students keep improving in every test. In the pre-test the mean of score was 37.6, in the first cycle test the mean of students was 68.6, and the second cycle the test mean was 98.8. The improvement also can be seen from the number of master students in reading achievement, in pre-test 0% students got point more than 75, in the first cycle test 33.3% students got point more than 75, and the second cycle 100% students got point more than 75. And the improvement was 62.4% from cycle I to cycle II. It means that teaching reading using shared reading strategy can improve students reading achievement. Shared reading strategy made students feel enjoy, not bore, understand, and interest in learning reading comprehension
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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