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Title: “The Effect of Applying Actional Functional Model(AFM) On Students’ Achievement in Speaking
Authors: Saragih, Khoirul Rifki
Keywords: Actional Functional Model (AFM);Speaking
Issue Date: 3-Apr-2018
Publisher: UMSU
Abstract: This study deals with appying Actional Functional Model (AFM) on Students’ Achievement in Speaking. This study was conducted by using quantitative research. The population of the research was 56 students in class XI Administrasi Perkantoran (AP) at SMK PAB 8 SAMPALI Jln. Irian Bar. Sampali. Academic year 2017/2018. It was conducted in two classes which divided into two groups, namely experimental group consisting of 28 students and control group which consisting 28 students. The research design was experimental method. The instrument of research was test including pre-test and post-test. Based on the written test, the students’ score of experimental group keep improving in every test. In the pre-test the mean score of experimental group was 66.46 and in the post-test the mean score was 84.6. Mean while. In pre-test students’ score of control group was 62.9 and in the post-test, the students’ score of control group was 69.6. Thus, the test in the experimental group was 5.90 and the t-table was 2.00. Because the t-test value was higher than the t-table (5.90>2.00), Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that Applaying Actional Functional Model can effect students’ Achievement in speaking. Indeed, it was recommended for teachers to apply this strategy in Teaching English, especially in teaching Speaking.
Appears in Collections:Public Administration Science

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