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Title: Soliloquy Speech in Lizzie McGuire Movie
Authors: Sartika, Dwi Putri
Keywords: Drama;Type of Utterances;Soliloquy
Issue Date: 23-Oct-2020
Abstract: The research deals with soliloquy in Lizzie McGuire Movie. The formulation of the problem, those were what were types of soliloquies in drama and how to use soliloquy used in Lizzie McGuire. The objective of the study was to find out the type of soliloquy in drama on Lizzie McGuire and to analyze soliloquy used in Lizzie McGuire. The Scope and Limitation were focused on drama of Lizzie McGuire on the types of soliloquies in the episodes entitled Pool Party, Picture Day, and Rumor. The technique of data collection was Watching the drama Lizzie McGuire under the titles Pool Party, Picture Day, and Rumor, transcript the script of Lizzie McGuire , reading the script to find out types of soliloquy and dominant type in the drama and underlining the dialogues in the drama to find out types of soliloquy. Based on the result of soliloquies speech in Lizzie McGuire, it was found that soliloquy is utterances of the inner thought of character about her feelings to the audience aimed to give more explanation or specific information needed. There are four types of soliloquy in drama, those are plain soliloquy, attend soliloquy, props soliloquy and soliloquy as dialogue. But in the research the researcher found three types of soliloquy in drama of Lizzie McGuire, they are plain soliloquy, attend soliloquy, props soliloquy. There is not found dialogue soliloquy on this research. The most dominant soliloquy in the drama is plain soliloquy.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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