The level of accuracy of a measuring instrument is expected to be as good as it is
expected to provide information that can be used as a reference and benchmark in
research and applications in public life. The use of compass measuring devices in
determining the direction of the compass and the location of the earth's magnetism
may vary from year to year such as analog and digital compasses. Both offer good
reading results with the same workings using magnetic north and south poles as a
reference point. HMC 5883L sensor is one measuring tool that is able to detect the
direction of the compass with the same way of working from analog and digital
compasses. By using Arduino Uno as a microcontroller as a central control that is
able to change the information received from the HMC 5883L sensor into a form of
data that is easy to understand. HMC 5883L sensor was applied as a companion to the
data from the RHI compass reading results at the OIF University of Muhammadiyah
North Sumatra to get a more accurate Qibla direction by comparing the reading
results of both. The results obtained from the measurement of the different degrees of
qibla direction of the HMC 5883L sensor and RHI compass are 7o
and this is still safe
and good to be used as a companion to the RHI compass on the OIF UMSU