dc.description.abstract |
This study attempts to improve students‟ ability in writing hortatory
exposition text by using process genre based approach assisted big book media.
The objectives of the study are to find out how the application of using process
genre based approach assisted big book media in writing of hortatory exposition
text. The subject of this research was XI-IPA(1) of SMA Muhammadiyah 2
Medan, that consisted of 33 students. The class was tought by using process genre
based approach assisted big book media. The instruments of this research there are
two types, qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data were collected by
using observation sheet and questionary sheet. The quantitative data were
collected by giving them writing test and calculating the mean of students. The
result of research shows that the mean of pre-test (48,33), first cycle (60,90) and
second cycle (96,67). Based on the observation sheets, it shows that the students
were more active and enthusiastic during the teaching-learning process in second
cycle then cycle I and Pre-test. And from the questionnaire sheet shows that there
were 32 (96,7%) students who agree with the implementation of process genre
based approach assisted big book media was effective. |
en_US |