dc.description.abstract |
The study deals with the study of Expressive Utterance In Classroom Interection
(Between Male and Female Teachers’ Utterances). This study attempts to answer
the two formulation of the problems, namely: (1) What are the types of expressive
utterance found in the class-room by male and female teachers, and (2) How are
expressive utterances realized by male and female teachers. This study applied
descriptive qualitative methode to analyze the data. The sources of data obtained
from a male and a female teachers’ utterances in classroom interection at SMP
PAB 2 HELVETIA. The techniques of data analyzing used theory of Sugiyono
(2010) started from data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The
result show in the classroom interection by female teachers’ utterances found
several types of expressive utterance : thanking, apologizing,
congratulating/complimenting, greeting and attitude. The result show in the
classroom interection by male teachers’ utterances found several types of
expressive utterance: congratulating/complimenting, greeting and attitude. There
are also have similarities and dissimilarities.The similarities between male and
female teachers were: 1) the types of expressive utterances that always appear are
expressive for thanking and expressive for attitude. 2) the types of expressive of
wish didn’t find in both of them. The dissimilarites between male and female
teachers were:1) the expressive utterances that used by female have more types
than male. Female has five types that include thanking, apologizing,
congratulating, greeting and attitude. Meanwhile the male teachers just have three
types that include congratulating, greeting and attitude. 2) There are 24 types of
expressive utterances realized by female teachers at SMP PAB 2 Helvetia. They
are stating an greeting, gratitude, praising, regret, complaining, criticizing,
forgiveness. Meanwile there are 27 of expressive utterances realized by the male
teachers at SMP PAB 2 Helvetia. They are stating an greeting, complaining,
criticizing, respect, praising, admiration, deprecating. |
en_US |