dc.description.abstract |
The study deals with the study of Cognitive Domain Applied by EFL Teacher in
Reading Skill. This study attempts to answer the two formulation of the problems,
namely: (1) what types of Cognitive Domain used in Learning objectives in
Reading Skill, and (2) how Cognitive Domain was realized by teacher in Reading
skill. In analyzing the types of cognitive domain in this study, the researcher uses
the theory of Taxonomy Bloom by Anderson, Krathwohl, et. Al (2001). This
study uses a descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data in form of Lesson
Plan containing Cogitive Doamin Verbs used in Lesson plan of senior high
school. Later the analyzing of the data started from find out the learning
objectives lesson plan of senior high school Brigjend Katamso and also reading
and then selecting and marking the Operational verbs that can be identified as
Cognitive Domain. The result shown in Cognitive Domain applied by EFL in
Reading Skill used several types of Cognitive Domain: six C11, one C12 ( C1 –
Remember), one C21 (C2 – Understanding), one C31 (C3 – Applying), two C41,
one C42, one C43, one C44, three C45 (C4 – Analyzing), one C51, three C52 (C5
– Evaluating), one C61, one C62 (C6 – Creating). The researcher suggests the
next researcher develop this research by using a diferrent object such as Speaking
Skill, Listening Skill or Writing Skill |
en_US |