dc.description.abstract |
This study deals with the effect of applying Code-Switching Strategies‟ on
the students‟ listening comprehension achievement. The objective of the research
was to find out the significant effect of code-switching strategies‟ on the students‟
listening comprehension achievement. This is an experimental research which
applied descriptive quantitative method in describe and analyze the data. This
research was conducted at SMA Swasta Persiapan Stabat 2016-2017 academic
year. The population of this research was the eleventh grade students‟ which
consist of 180 students that distributed in 5 classes. By using cluster random
sampling two classes were choosen as the sample experimental group (XI-IA1)
which was taught by using Code-Switching Strategies‟, and the control group (XIIS2) taught by using Traditional method. Multiple choice test was administrated to
gain the data. By using t-test analysis the finding showed that to was higher than ttable (4,85 > 1,99) at ,and df = 68. It means that the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. As the
conclusion, there were a significant effect of applying Code0Switching Strategies‟
on the students‟ listening comprehension achievement. There were no difficulties
faced by the student‟s in learning listening by using code-switching strategies‟. |
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