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The Use of Kahoot! Media In Teaching Reading (A case Study at the First Grade of SMA Swasta Hang Tuah Belawan in Academic Year 2019/2020)

Show simple item record Putri Desmala, Sari 2020-06-09T02:59:02Z 2020-06-09T02:59:02Z 2019-10-05
dc.description.abstract This research was deals with the use of Kahoot! Media in teaching reading. The objectives of this research were to find out the potential of Kahoot! media to increase students' motivation in reading and to find out the students’ difficulties in reading. This research was conducted by applying classroom action research (CAR). There are four steps in conducted this classroom action research, namely: Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. It implemented two cycles containing two meetings for each. The subject of this research was students at first grade of SMA Swasta Hang Tuah Belawan of the academic year 2019/2020. The number of students consisted of 30 students. After doing the research and analyzing the data, the researcher could conclude that Classroom Kahoot! had significantly improved the students’ achievement in reading comprehension. It was found that students’ score increased from cycle 1 and of cycle 2. It is shown from the improvement of the means of students’ score namely the mean of test of cycle 1 (66,66) and the mean of cycle 2 (90,83) was higher than the mean of the students’ score in cycle 1 (66,66). it can be stated that the score continuously improved from the cycle 1 until cycle 2. Classroom Kahoot! can make the learners be active in learning English and also to show their ability in reading comprehension. In other words, teaching reading by Classroom Kahoot! was successfully done and brings good improvement to the students’ reading achievement. en_US
dc.subject Kahoot en_US
dc.subject Teahing Reading en_US
dc.subject Reading Comprehension en_US
dc.title The Use of Kahoot! Media In Teaching Reading (A case Study at the First Grade of SMA Swasta Hang Tuah Belawan in Academic Year 2019/2020) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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