This research aimed to find out the significant effect of using Wordwall Website
as a strategy on students’ vocabulary mastery. This research was conducted at MTs
Babul Ulum Medan. The population of this study was the eight grade at
2024/2025 academic year. This research used quantitative with quasi experimental
design. The population were 120 students which distributed in four classes, there
are VIII A, VIII B, VIII C, and VIII D. The sample consisted of 60 students was
taken by using random sampling technique. The sample was divided into 2
classes, namely experimental group which consisted 30 students and control
group consisted 30 students. The experimental group used Wordwall Website
while the control group did not use Wordwall Website. The instrument of this
research had 15 item tests, 10 of multiple choices test and 5 of arrange test. The
results of the 2 classes showed that using of Wordwall Website is higher than
without using Wordwall Website, it could be seen of the students’ mean scores in
the pre-test experimental group (50.96) and post-test (85.26), while from the
control group pre-test (49.26) and post-test (72.83). In this case, the wordwall
website has a positive impact on students’ vocabulary mastery. Based on the
research findings, it could be concluded that there was a significant effect of using
Wordwall Website as a strategy on students’ vocabulary mastery. In the other
words, the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha)
was accepted.