The study aims to find out the effectiveness of peer counselling services to prevent attitudes
towards early marriage of students of 9th grade MTS Riyadhus Sholihin Sunggal. The research
method used is experimental. In this study the researchers used the Pre Experimental research
model using One Group Pre Test – Post Test Design. As to the data collection techniques used
are (1) document analysis, namely list of names, number of students of class IX MTS Riyadhus
Sholihi Sunggal and photo documentation of the research. (2) The test method used in this
study is the filling of angket. (3) Observation, from the results of the analysis of data of
counselling services for prevention of early marriage attitudes in students using the statistical
analysis technique t-test, obtained t_count as 5.542 while the size of the number on the table
of value t for one-party test (one tail test) with a degree of significance of 0.05 (5%) at d.b N
1= 9 is 1.833. Therefore, the result of the data analysis of 5,542 is above the limit of rejection
of the zero hypothesis which is large 1,833 (t_count > t_table), so this study is significant