This study aims to investigate students' perceptions of YouTube on
their speaking performance. The survey used a qualitative approach
to conduct a comprehensive and detailed investigation regarding
the use of social media in students' speaking processes (Creswell,
2014). This research involved 20 students registered in the English
education study program at Muhammadiyah University, North
Sumatra. The survey was designed using Google Forms and then
distributed via WhatsApp groups. Observable behavior and written
or verbal statements from individuals provide descriptive data. The
themes raised are how speaking skills improve after using social
media, preferences for social media for learning to speak, and the
advantages and disadvantages of using social media for learning to
speak. Research findings can be concluded based on students' views
of the use of YouTube in speaking sessions. In the opinion of some
students, networking is the main issue in using YouTube for
academic purposes. Students can improve their speaking skills,
especially those related to vocabulary and pronunciation through
watching YouTube.