dc.description.abstract |
The use of semiotics and multimodal in advertising has become increasingly
popular in recent years. The use of semiotic multimodal in advertising, indirectly
someone can relate to the five systems used in semiotic multimodal, they are:
linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, and spatial. The aims to describe five semiotic
modes about the purpose, and relationship of verbal, visual texts and messages
contained in an advertisement. The analysis of multimodal semiotic systems by
Michèle Anstey and Geoff Bull’s (2018) theory which focused on linguistic, visual,
audio, gestural, and spatial systems. There were three advertisements taken from
Zenius Education's YouTube channel for this research, they were; Bikin Cerdas
Beneran #MulaiDariManaAja, Pahlawan masa depan - #ZeniusUntukSemua,
Mentok Ngerjai Latihan Soal? Tanya Zenbot Aja! #CekrekLangsungNgerti.
Descriptive qualitative research by Miles and Huberman's research theory was used
in this study. The data were collected by browsing, choosing, downloading, printing
and identifying to analyzed the five multimodal semiotics in the advertisement. The
results of this research showed that Zenius Education have a multimodal semiotic
systems which include linguistic, visual, audio, gestural and spatial. The five
multimodal semiotic systems were integrated each other in conveyed meanings and
messages contained in the Zenius advertisement to aim of attracted the attention of
public customers to use tutoring platform service products. The findings are
important for multimodal analysis in a field of advertisement, as they will improve
the element of how it used to suppport different views on multimodal in
contemporaty societies. |
en_US |