Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by increased blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia which interferes with insulin secretion and insulin resistance. While the patient is said to have diabetes, blood sugar levels 2 hours after eating ≥200 mg/dl, blood sugar levels after fasting ≥ 126 mg/dl. This disease is one of the most common risk factors for death in the world apart from cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory diseases. Bay leaf is a plant that can be used as a medicine, its properties lower blood sugar levels. This study aims to see the effect of giving bay leaf extract (eugenia polyantha) on fasting blood glucose levels in prolanis type 2 diabetes mellitus participants at faith clinic. Methods: This study used an experimental study with a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design where the sample used was 34 samples divided into the experimental group and the control group. The sample is all participants of Prolanis Diabetes Mellitus type 2 at the Iman Clinic, Medan Labuhan District, Medan City. Result: The results of this study showed that the average value of decreasing fasting blood glucose levels was 209.1765 ± 43.86946 in the pretest and the posttest value was 112.6471 ± 37.38640. This result is also supported by the Wilcoxon test with a significant p value <0.003. Conclusion: There is an effect of bay leaf extract (Eugenia polyantha) on decreasing fasting blood glucose levels in prolanis type 2 diabetes mellitus participants at faith clinic.