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The Use Of Code-Mixing On Negeri Para Bedebah Novel By Tere Liye

Show simple item record Juliana Nasution, Ayu Saragih, Mandra 2021-12-02T03:28:11Z 2021-12-02T03:28:11Z 2021-08-31
dc.description.abstract This study aims to describe: (1) the types of code-mixing, (2) the function of the code-mixing on novel Negeri Para Bedebah by Tere Liye. The design of this study is related to qualitative descriptive techniques. The data were taken from the entire conversation of the main character on the novel, that was focus on the type of code mixing and the function. The findings at this study are follows. first, there are two types of code mixing used in the novel, namely internal code mixing and external code mixing. Second, the function of code-mixing in Tere Liye's novel Negeri Para Bedebah is to explain, ask, and emphasize intentions. en_US
dc.publisher UMSU en_US
dc.subject Code-mixing en_US
dc.subject Types en_US
dc.subject Functions en_US
dc.title The Use Of Code-Mixing On Negeri Para Bedebah Novel By Tere Liye en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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