dc.description.abstract |
The aim of study is to analyze grammatical errors in writing paragraph: a case
study of students' writing skill. The design of this research was qualitative research.
There are three types of grammatical errors have been found in paragraph writing.
They are: Omission, Misformation, and Misordering. The design of this research was
qualitative research. There are three types of grammatical errors have been found in
paragraph writing. They are: Omission, Misformation, and Misordering. The data
was collected by the following steps, researcher : 1) took some of the second
semester students‟ data in UMSU; 2) made a transcript of the students‟ paragraph
writing; 3) rereaded the paragraph writing and focus on the grammatical error; 4)
identified the types of grammatical error on paragraph writing which performed by
students. The researcher analyzed the data as follows: Identification of errors In this
stage the researcher found out any deviation which possibly could be found in
students‟ writing. That could be omission, misformation and misordering.
Classification of errors Then the researcher classified the errors which have been
found based on their grammar aspects, such as third person singular verb, to be and
so on. Tabulating the errors The next, the researcher calculated the frequency of each
type of errors and their grammar aspects. Analyzing the errors This step dealt with
deeper analysis of the errors found and the sources of errors in the students‟ writing.
Drawing a conclusion After analyzing the errors, the researcher made a conclusion
based on what have been found. From the data analysis, some conclusions can be
seen from the writing paragraph by second semester students of English education in
UMSU: 1. The types of error were discovered in writing paragraph based on analysis
are 3 types omission, misformation and misordering. 2. The reasons of grammatical
error were caused are carelessness, nescient and ignorance. The omission was caused
by ignorance when the students are not intentional to do mistake, but the result
approved that it was only mistake. The misformation was caused by intralingual
interference, carlesness and nescience. And the misordering was caused by
nescience. |
en_US |