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Title: The Use Of Think Pair Share Strategy To Improve Students’ Speaking Ability
Authors: Hasibuan, Ira Zeittira
Keywords: Speaking;Think Pair Share Strategy
Issue Date: 20-Aug-2018
Abstract: The study deals analyzing aimed to find out the use of think pair share strategy to improve studentss’ speaking ability. This subject of this research was eight grade students SMP BinaSatria Medan in academic year 2018/2019. It consisted of one class with 30 students as respondents. This objectives this research to find out the process of learning speaking with think pair share strategy. To find out improvement on the speaking students’ ability by using think pair shre strategy. This research was conducted by using classroom action research. The technique of analyzing data was applied in this research were technique tes and technique nontest, the test were given to the students in the form of cyce I and cycle II. The result of data analysis showed that there was an improvement on the students’ speaking ability from each cycle. It was showed from the mean pre-cycle 66,5, after the use think pair share strategy in cycle I, there was improvement of the result of the students’ mean wich was 71,17 and for the second cycle after reflection there was an improvement of the students’ mean wich was 77,17. Moreover in the cycle I, there were 53,33% (16 students of 30 students) who got score ≥75. In the cycle II, there where 100% (30 students of 30 students) who got score ≥75. So, the total percentage of the improvement from cycle I to cycle II was about 46,67%.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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