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Title: Critical Analysis of Inflectional Morpheme in The Legend of Putri Hijau Comic
Authors: Dewi, Dinda
Keywords: Inflectional Morpheme;The Legend of Putri Hijau Comic;Process of Inflectional Morpheme
Issue Date: Jul-2020
Abstract: This study was about Critical Analysis of Inflectional Morpheme in The Legend of Putri Hijau Comic. It focused on Inflectional affixes. The data was collected from The Legend of Putri Hijau Comic that was published in 2018. This comic was created by researcher and her beloved friends in Go-mic Team. This study has two aims, they are; to search and inform the kinds of inflectional morpheme which is used in The Legend of Putri Hijau Comic and to find the processes of each inflectional affixes in The Legend of Putri Hijau Comic. The method of this study is descriptive qualitative research. The findings of this study are the fisrt is there are 7 from 8 kinds of inflectional morpheme that is used in The Legend of Putri Hijau Comic, such as suffix –ed, suffix –ing, suffix –s (third person singular), suffix –en, suffix –s (plural marker), suffix –‘s, and suffix –er. And from the data analysis, there are 73 inflectional affixes was found in The Legend of Putri Hijau Comic. The second is the processes of each inflectional affixes do not change the whole meaning, but some of them change the grammatical function.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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