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Title: An Analysis Of Commissive Utterance In Hillary Clinton’s speech
Authors: Natasa, Nadya Zira
Keywords: Speech Act;Hillary Clinton’s speech;Commissive Utterance
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2018
Abstract: This study deals with the use of commissive utterance in Hillary Clinton’s speech. The objectives of the study were to find out the types of commissive utterance, to explain the use of commissive utterance and to investigate the function of commissive utterance in Hillary Clinton’s speech. The source of the data was Hillary Clinton’s speech and the transcribe. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. The data were classified into types of commissive utterance. They were analyzed based on the types of commissive utterance. The study found that there are four types of commissive utterance, namely: promises, pledges, threats and vows. There are 62 commissive utterance in 262 speeches. The findings of this study showed that of 9 promises, 19 pledges, 14 threats and 20 vows. The most dominant was vows because the speaker in this speech mostly gave the promise to do something in future action. It means that, she really want to promise with USA’s citizens so that USA’s citizens choosed her in political campaigns because she had made a big promise and she assumed his promise was really better than other speaker. That’s why commissive utterance mostly vows in Hillary Clinton speech
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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