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Title: The Students’ Ability in Determining the Topic Sentence of Narrative Paragraph
Authors: Santo, Ade Dwi Ana
Keywords: Topic Sentences;Narrative;Narrative Paragraph
Issue Date: Apr-2017
Abstract: This study deals with The Students’ Ability In Determining The Topic Sentence Of Narrative Paragraph. The objective of the study was to see whether in determining topic sentences by narrative paragraph to the students’ ability on reading comprehension. In carrying out this study, the writer took 60 students of SMK DWITUNGGAL -1 Tanjung Morawa- Pakam asthe sample of this study. It was apply descriptive qualitative design, which aimed at gathering data of the students in order to know the students’ problems and their abilities in determining the topic sentences of narrative paragraph. The instrument of this research wrote test based on the material. In collecting the data, it was analysis topic sentences of narrative paragraph in the text test consisting of 30 items. After the data have been collected, they were analyzed score and able or unable. The result shows that the students’ percentage were 33 or around 55% the students’ able and 27 or around 45% the students’ unable in determining the topic sentence of narrative paragraph.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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