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Title: The Effect of Applying Problem Based Learning Toward Students’ Critical Thinking in Writing News On Education
Authors: Yulanda, Ulfa
Keywords: Problem Based Learning Toward Students;Critical Thinking;Writing News;Education
Issue Date: Mar-2017
Abstract: This study deals with the effect of applying problem based learning toward students' critical thinking in writing news on education. The objective of the study was to investigate whether problem based learning significantly effect the students' writing achievement. The populatian of this research was the second year students of SMP PAB 8 Sampali, in academic year 2016/2017. The number of population was 60 students and the researcher was taken VIII-I as the sample. This study was conducted by using an experimental research design. The experimental group was given treatment by applying problem based learning .The instrument of the research was an written test. The test given to students aimed to collect the data sporting the students ' mastery in writing. The t-test formula was impelmented to find out the t-observed value of this research showed that the tobserved hypothesis of this research. The result of this rese arch showed that the tobserved value was greater than the t-table in which tobs was 9,69 and ttable 2,05 in a = 5% = 0.05. It shows that tobs > ttable (9,69>2,05). The hyphotesis was accepted. It means that there was any significant effect of applying problem based learning toward students' critical thinking in writing news on education. Total of significant effect was 77,44% and 22,56% from the factor.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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