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dc.contributor.authorAditiya, Reyzya Putri-
dc.description.abstractThe study deals with Improving The Students‟ Pronunciation In Dental Sounds /o/ /ð/ and Labiodental Sounds /f//v/ By Using Jazz Chant. The research was conducted at SMP Sutan Oloan Medan of Academic year 2016/2017. This study was conducted by using class room action research. The researcher take from the eighth class. It was conducted in one class which consist of 30 students. This research was conducted in two cycles action research continuously in some cycles that consist of namely planning, action, observation and reflection. In Cycle I the mean is 71,33 (twenty four students got 70) and in cycle II the mean is 97,33 (twenty students got 70). In this case, those score showed the successful of the classroom action research. The researcher can improving students pronunciation by using Jazz Chant in Cycle II.en_US
dc.subjectDental Sounds /O/ / ð / and Labiodental sounds /f/ /v/en_US
dc.subjectJazz Chanten_US
dc.titleImproving The Students’ Pronunciation In Dental Sounds /o/ /ð/ And Labiodental Sounds /f//v/ By Using Jazz Chanten_US
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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