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Title: The Use Of Synectics Model to Improve The Students’ Achievement In Writing Descriptive Paragraph
Authors: Sintia, Nia
Keywords: Synectics Model
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2017
Abstract: This study dealt with Improving The Students’ Achievement In Writing Descriptive Paragraph. The Objective of this research was to find out the improvement of students’ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph through Synectics Model teaching by their teacher. This Research had been conducted at SMPN 6 MEDAN. The Object of this research was their teacher who taught the students of seventh grade of SMPN 6 Medan at 2015/2016 academic year. It was disputed a teacher who taught in VII-L which consisted of 44 students. This research was conducted in two cycles and there were sixth meeting for two cycles. The research design were qualitative data by using observation sheet to their teacher and quantitative written test, was given 5 score to students. Based on written test, the students score kept improving in every test. In the pre-test the mean score was 47,75. In the post-test of first cycle the mean score was 56,16 and in the post-test of cycle 2 the mean score was 75,66. The Improvement also could be seen from the percentage of students’ability in writing. In pre-test 3 students who got point up to KKM 70 (12,5%). In the post-test of first cycle 8 students who got point up to KKM 70 (33,3%). While in the post-test of second cycle 24 students who got point up to KKM 70 (100%). There was also improvement of students behavior participation in the class. In the first cycle, some students could not attention and focused on the teacher presentation and they could not practice dialogue in front of the class. Everthless, in the second cycle they were able to focus and participanted on the teacher’s command. The students looked interested when described the object. Having taught using sociodrama method by their teacher it could be concluded that synectics model could improve the students’ achievement in writing
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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