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Title: The Comparison between Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) and Student TeamsAchievement Division (STAD) to the Students’ Achievement on Writing Argumentative Text
Authors: Br. Ginting, Shella
Keywords: cooperative integrated reading and composition;student teamsachievement division;students’ achievement;writing
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: The objective of this study was to find out the comparison between cooperative integrated reading and composition and student teams-achievement division to VIII grade students of Mts. Al-Mushlihin Binjai at Jalan Kesatria, Binjai of 2016/2017 academic year. The type of this research is experiment. The population of this research was 82 students of VIII-1 and VIII-2. The sample was taken as two classes where VIII-1 consist of 40 students as Experiment Class I taught by using CIRC and VIII-2 consist of 42 students as Experiment class 2 taught by using STAD. Technique of analyzing data is consisted of normality, homogeneity and hypothesis test. Based on homogeneity test, the data was taken from normal distribution and homogeneous population. Hypothesis test is done by using independent sample t test. To analyze the data, it used repeated measure t-test in which the significance was determined by p<0.05. The result showed that the students’ mean score in pretest for CIRC class was 48.55 and STAD class was 50.67 while the posttest mean score for CIRC class was 85 and STAD class was 88.5. The result also showed that there was a significant difference of the mean score. It had increased to be 36.45 for CIRC class and 37.83 for STAD class after treatments with the significant level of 0.05, it was noted that p=0.000. It proves that the students’ score were significantly different (p=0.005). So, the hypothesis proposed in this research was accepted. In conclusion, it can be said that cooperative learning model STAD type was recommended to be used to the students’ achievement on writing argumentative text.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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