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dc.contributor.authorRambe, Dina Andriani-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to find out the effect of applying SQ3R Method on the students’ achievement in reading hortatory exposition text. This research was conducted at SMK Bina Satria , Jln. Marelan IX, No 1 Tanah Enam Ratus Medan. The Polulation of this research was XI grade students of the academic year 2016-2017. There two classes consisting 60 students. The researcher took all the students as the sample. The sample was divided into two groups. First group as experimental group consist of 30 students and second group as contol groups consist of 30 students. The research design was experimental research. In experimental research, the students were divided into two group. First experimental group taught by applying SQ3R and second control group taught by using lecturing method. The data were asquired by administrating a written test which was given in pre test and post test. After analyzing the data, it was obtained that was 7.33 and 2.00 with α= 5%. It showed that > (7.33> 2.00). So, the alternative hypothesis was accepted. The result of this study concluded that students achivement in reading hortatory exposition text was significant than those without using SQ3R.en_US
dc.subjectHortatory exposition texten_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Applying SQ3R Method on The Students’ Achievement in Reading Hortatory Exposition Texten_US
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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