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Title: Representation of Experiential Function in the Text of Online BBC
Authors: Apriani, Nurma Juli
Keywords: Experiential function;Process;Manner;Text;Online BBC;News
Issue Date: Mar-2017
Abstract: This study deals with representation of experiential function in the Text of Online BBC (TOB). Descriptive qualitative method was applied to analyze the data. Thus, in doing this research, library research was applied in analyzing the data. The objective of research were to analyze the types of processes used in the TOB, to find out how the processes are used in the TOB, and to find out the reason why are the processes used in the TOB in the way they are. The source of data in this research was added from the TOB, especially News contents Online-BBC published in January 2017. There were six texts of TOB. The texts was consist of two business news, two health news, and two politic news. Then the data was analyzed into types of process. The findings indicates that there are Material process was amount 61 (39.10 %), Mental process was amount 7 (4.49 %), Verbal processwas amount 76 (48.72 %), Existential process was amount 2 (1.72 %), Relational process was amount 10 (6.41 %), and Behavioral process was amount 0 (0 %). So, the most dominant type of process was Verbal process. After analyzed the data, then analyzed the process into the types of manner. Total percentage of congruent type of manner in the process of the TOB were 71.15 %. Total percentage of incongruent type of manner in the process of the TOB were 28.85 %. So, the most dominant type of manner in the process of the TOB was congruent. The dominant type of process was verbal process because in the TOB, the sentences or the clauses more indicated the arguments. The dominant type of manner was congruent because the sentences or the clauses were in harmony with another or in agreement with another.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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