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dc.contributor.authorAhmad, Alfi Diastari-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to find out the effect of using K-W-L (Know, Want, Learn) Strategy on the students achievement in reading expository text. This research was conducted at SMK Tarbiyah Islamiyah, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 1 Simpang Beringin Kec. Hamparan Perak. The population of this research was the XI grade students of the academic year 2016/2017. There were 4 classess consisting 154 students. The sample consisted of 80 students were taken by using random sampling technique. The sample was divided into 2 classes, the experimental group which consisted of 40 students taught by using KW-L (Know, Want, Learn) Strategy and the control group consisted of 40 students by using Think-Pair-Share Strategy. Multiple choice test was used as the instrument. Each group was given a pre-test, treatment and post-test. The result of this research showed that t-test (18.3) was higher than t-table (1,99) and degree of freedom (df) was 78. The final hyphothesis showed that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. It means that there was a significant effect of using K-W-L (Know, Want, Learn) strategy on the students‟ achievement in reading expository text.en_US
dc.subjectKWL (Know, Want, Learn) Strategyen_US
dc.subjectExpository Texten_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Using K-W-L (Know, Want, Learn) Strategy on the Students’ Achievement in Reading Expository Texten_US
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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