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Title: Ellipsis In The Text Of Finding Dory Movie
Authors: Yolanda, Syakina
Keywords: Ellipsis;Finding Dory Movie;Text;Anaphoric;Exophoric
Issue Date: 26-Oct-2017
Abstract: This research showed that the text of the finding dory movie indirectly attached and gave an overview of the actual content of the text. The relationship between the Finding Dory Movie with the Ellipsis was a major topic of discussion. The objectives of this research were to find out the anaphoric and exophoric of the text and relationship between The Text of Finding Dory Movie with Ellipsis. Descriptive qualitative method was carried out to analyze the data. The source of the data was taken from the Text Of Finding Dory Movie. In collecting the data, some references related to Halliday‟s Book were applied. The data were analyzed by reading the text, underlining the words that consists of ellipsis in the Text of Finding Dory Movie, Identifying ellipsis into anaphoric and exophoric. It was concluded that the ellipsis were the movie was telling a loving mother and father doing their best to raise a child with learning difficulties – and while Dory‟s sievelike memory is occasionally played for laughs here, as it was frequently in Finding Nemo, it‟s also eminently readable as a stand-in for dyslexia, autism, a speech impediment, or any other condition that leaves a child struggling to navigate an inherently unnavigable world.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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