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Title: The Effect of Using Praise Question Polish (PQP) Technique on Students’ Achivement in Writing Recount Text at Academic Years 2016/2017
Authors: Anum, Fitri
Keywords: Writing;Praise Question Polish (PQP);Recount Text
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2017
Abstract: This research was aimed to find out using Praise Question Polish (PQP) technique on students’ achivement in writing recount text. The population of this research was eight grades of SMP ALI IMRON MEDAN at Academic Year 2016/2017. It consisted of one class with 26 students as samples in experimental group and one class with 26 students in control group. The objective was to discover the significant improvement using Praise Question Polish (PQP) in writing recount text. This research was conducted by using quantitative research. The instrument of research was test including pre-test and post-test. Based on writen tests, the students’ score of experimental group keep improving in every test. In the pre-test the mean score of experimental group was 54.07 while in the post-test the mean score was 80.61. Meanwhile, in pre-test students’ score of control group was 48.07 and in the post-test the students’ score of control group was 60.75. Furthermore, the t-test in this study was 85.58 and t-table was 2.02 which were 0.05 as the significant level of this research. Because the t-test value was higher than the t-table (85.58>2.02) so, the result of this research was Ha was accepted. In other words, the result of this research concluded that using Praise Question Polish (PQP) can effect students’ achivement in learning writing recount text. Indeed, it was recommended for teachers to apply this technique in teaching English, especially in teaching writing recount text
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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