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dc.contributor.authorMasitoh, Siti-
dc.description.abstractThis research deals with the derivational affixes errors in writing narrative paragraph by eleventh grade students. This research uses a qualitative design in which the data are taken from the sentences of paragraps. Dulay’s theory is applied to describe the type of errors on derivational affixes. The source of data in this study is Grade (XI) students of Madrasah Aliyah Al Usmaniyah, 30 students are choosen as the sample. The data of this study is taken from the students’ writing narrative paragraph. The analysis foound that there are four classification of errors occured in students writing: they are omission 10 cases, addition 4 cases, misformation 11 cases and misorder 13 cases. The most dominant error in derivational was misorder 34%, misformation 28%, omission 26% and addition10% . It this hoped that the result of this research is useful for everyone who wants to study or make a similiar research about affixation errors.en_US
dc.subjectError Analysisen_US
dc.subjectDerivational Affixesen_US
dc.titleError Analysis of Derivational Affixes On Eleventh Grade Students In Writing Narrative Paragrah.en_US
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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