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Title: Transformational Processes Of Deletion In Debate Transcript Of Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump
Authors: Siregar, Nia Gusriani
Keywords: Transformational processes;Deletion;Deep structure;Debates transript
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2017
Abstract: This study is focused on analyzing transformational processes of deletion in debate transcript of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. In analyzing the sentence, the researcher uses the theory of transformational processes of deletion by Jacob Rosebaum, this study is intended to prsent the description of the kind of deletion used in the debate transcript of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative method, because the data of this study are in the forms of words, phrase,clauses,and sentense of the debate transcript of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Which were obtaint from internet. The results of this study show that There we are five kinds of transformational processes : Imperative Deletion occur five times.Then, Deletion undertity occur once times,Lingking verb deletion appears fourteen times,Verb phrase deletion and noun phrase deletion occur once. the Furthermore, each kind of deletion was used appropriately according to the contex by both candidates of the USA president. It means that each kind of deletion was used appropriately according to the setting of a word, phrase,etc. Among the surrounding word, phrase,etc.In all transformational processes, lingking verb deletion is dominatly deletion the using at data obtained it is that each kind of transformational deletion is done appropriately in accordance with the content
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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