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Title: The Effect of Applying Pairs-Check Technique on the Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text
Authors: Wahyuni, Sofia
Keywords: Pairs-Check Technique;Writing;Recount Text
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2017
Abstract: This study dealt with the Effect of Applying Pairs-Check Technique on the Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. The objective of this research was to find out the effect of applying pairs-check technique on the students’ achievement in writing recount text. The population of this research was the first grade of MA Swasta PAB 2 Helvetia of academic year 2016/2017, on Jalan Veteran Pasar IV Helvetia, Kecamatan Labuhan Deli, Kabupaten Deli Serdang 20373, North Sumatera, Indonesia. The population was 78 students of X-1 (41 students) and X-2 (37 students). The researcher was taking the sample by Total Sampling Technique, where the sample was taken from the number all of population. Research design of this research was experimental design. There were experimental class and control class. Experimental class was taught by applying Pairs-Check Technique. The instrument in collecting data was written test. After the data had been collected, they were analyzed by using to formula. The result of the to was higher than tt (5.38 > 1.99) with the level significant 0.05 (α=5%) and the degree of freedom (df) = 76. The finding showed that the hypothesis of the study was accepted. It meant that applying Pairs-Check Technique given any effect on the students’ achievement in writing recount text
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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