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Title: Grammatical Methapor In The Articles Of The Jakarta Post
Authors: Wulandari
Keywords: Grammatical Metaphor;The articles of the Jakarta Post
Issue Date: 23-Mar-2018
Publisher: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Abstract: The study is about grammatical metaphor in the articles of the Jakarta Post. The objectives of the study were to find out the types of ideational metaphor, the most dominant type of ideational metaphor used in the articles of the Jakarta Post and the reason of the most dominant one. This research was carried out by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected by documenting the articles of the Jakarta Post from the internet, reading the articles of the Jakarta Post, analyzing each clauses in the articles of the Jakarta Post, writing down the grammatical metaphor which analyzed. There were 7 different articles taken as the source of data in this study, the techniques used to analyze the data obtained was by underlining each clause that contains a metaphor in the articles, identifying the data which collected from the articles into the grammatical metaphor, finding out the types of grammatical metaphor are used by the articles. There were 125 ideational metaphor used in the articles of the Jakarta Post. It was found that there are two types of ideational, process type include five categories they were material process with the amount of 48, mental process with the amount of 13, relational process with the amount of 14, verbal process with the amount of 45, behavioural process with the amount of 5. The most dominant type of ideational metaphor in the articles of the Jakarta Post is material process, because the material process is process of doing and happening with an actor (human being), and equipped with the circumstance and goal in the clause
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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