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Title: Conversational Style in Jimmy Kimmel Live Talk Show
Authors: Muhadjir, Ahmad Ridha
Keywords: Conversational style;Conversation
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2018
Abstract: This study focused on the conversational style used in Jimmy Kimmel Live talk show. The aims of the study were (1) to describe the types of conversational style used in Jimmy Kimmel LiveTalk Show, (2) to explain the realized of conversational style and (3) the reason of using the conversational style by host and guest were realized.Data were taken from Jimmy Kimmel's conversation as host and George W Bush as guests on Jimmy Kimmel Live's nineteen minutes of the talk show. The study was conducted by using qualitative analysis. The findings show that there are two types of conversational styles used by hosts and guests on Jimmy Kimmel Live's talk show. They are high involvement style and high consideratness style. The way conversational style realized in this study was indicated by the overlaps situation in the high involvement style and was indicated by pauses and interupption in the consideratness style meanwhile the reason of using the conversational style was based the degree of respect between the host and the guest of the talk show
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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