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Title: A Syntaxtical Analysis of Sentences Structure of Song Lyrics “ Fight Song” by Rachel Platten
Authors: Satriadi
Keywords: Sentence Structure;Syntactical;Fight Song
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2018
Abstract: This study focused on the Sentence Structure contained in song lyrics Fight Song by Rachel Platten in her wildfire album. In this study researcher used a syntactic approach. The sentence structure contained in this study is divided into four sentences, they are (1) Simple sentence, (2) Compound sentence, (3) complex sentence and (4) CompoundComplex sentence. The study was conducted by using qualitative analysis. Data was taken from Song lyrics “ Fight Song,Stand by You and Better Place” on the Wildfire album by Rachel Platten. The researcher analyzed the sentence structure by using theory of tree diagram, where the researcher first analyzed the type of sentence in the song lyrics and then describeed it in the form of a tree diagram. From the results of the study, researcher found there were 30 Simple sentence, 3 Compound sentence, 1 Complex sentence, and 3 Compound- Complex sentence on song lyrics Fight Song. And then, 5 Simple sentence, 2 Compound sentence, 23 Complex sentence and 6 Compound- Complex sentence on song lyrics Stand by You. Then 12 Simple sentence, 5 Compound sentence, 12 Complex sentence on song lyrics Better Place.and then there are two kinds of sentences that did not have the correct sentence structure contained in the song lyrics. That were “ like a small on the ocean sending big waves on the motion and then “ wrecking ball inside my inside my brain”. The conclusion of this study was the researcher succeeded in completing the study using the tree diagram method in syntax analysis to analyze the sentence strtuture in the song lyrics. The researcher proposes and hopes to the reader that interests this research can be continued and used as a reference in learning about syntax
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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