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Title: Syntactical Analysis in short story Death into The Heart
Authors: Aisyah, Mutiara
Keywords: Syntax;Sentence Pattern
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2018
Abstract: The study is about the syntactical analysis in short story Death into the Heart. The aim of the study is to identify and analyze the sentence pattern of different types of sentences in some selected sentences in this short story. The researcher used the qualitative study. The findings of this research consist of noun phrase and verb phrase which cover in many types of sentences and from the 40 selected senteces, the researcher found 29 simple sentences, 6 complex sentences, 4 compound sentences, and 1 compound-complex sentence. Based on the result above, the researcher suggests the readers or the next researcher to be more specific to read this final project before making a final project especially those who are concerned with the syntax, so it can enlarge the knowledge dealing with the syntax area. This study is also useful in teaching learning process such as in teaching grammar because the students will get better knowledge about how to write properly based on the grammatical rules
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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