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dc.contributor.authorSaleha, Siti-
dc.description.abstractThe TTW objective of the research was to find out the effect of applying think talk write strategy on students‘ achievement in writing descriptive paragraph. TTW strategy helps student to generate the idea and engage themselves more deeply in writing their expression dealing with their imagination or their own experience. The population of this research was tenth grade students of SMK NEGRI 9 Medan. at Academic year 2017/2018, which consist of 50 students, and disputed into two classes, X-PEKSOS 1 and XPEKSOS 2. They were devided into two groups: 25 students as experimental group taught by using TTW strategy and 25 students as control group taught by using lecturing method.The instrument of the research is written test, which used pre test and post test. The result of this research showed that t-observe value was higher than t- table in which t-obs= 2,75>ttable = 2,01. The hypotesis was accepted. It means that there were a significant effect of applying think talk write strategy on students‘ achievement in writing descriptive paragraphen_US
dc.subjectThe research of Think Talk Write Strategyen_US
dc.subjectDescriptive Paragraphen_US
dc.titleThe effect of Applying Think Talk Write Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Paragraphen_US
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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