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Title: Improving The Students’ Reading Comprehension Acheivement Through Question Answer Relationship Strategy
Authors: Siregar, Gusti Hardyanova
Keywords: Reading,;QAR starategy
Issue Date: 19-Oct-2018
Abstract: This research is aimed to improv the student’ reading comprehension achievement through Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy at ten grade students SMK Swasta Tarbiyah Islamiyahz. This study was conducted by using classroom action research (CAR), which carried out through four step, they are palnning,action, observation and reflection.The subject of this study was student class X of smk swasts tarbiyah islamiyah,Medan in academic year 2017/2018.Consist of 39 student. The technique of analyzing the data were taken from,oral test.The qualitative data were taken from mean of pre-test was 55.8, the mean of post-test I was 67.6, and the mean of post-test II was 75.3 from the data, the reasearch can conclude that the students’ was improvement of the students’ reading skills has been improve by using QAR stratregy.Based on the qulitative data that taken from observation sheet and diary note.The result of observation in class and diary note by observer. Students was more courageous and confident in reading English, this can be seen from student participations in classroom,students’ involvement in conversation and student performance.It was found that the teaching reading by using peer-interaction strategy could increase thw students’ achievement.It is suggested that English teacher apply this strategy as one of alternative in teaching of reading.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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