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Title: A Study of Bilingual Language Served in Classroom Interactions
Authors: Hasana, Maulia
Keywords: Bilingual;Education;Full english;Code-mixing;Interactions
Issue Date: 3-Oct-2019
Publisher: UMSU
Abstract: This study discussed about bilingual education program, especially Full English. Bilingual program is one way that could be taken by the school was by implementing a bilingual education system. This could be greatly helped the school to make students able to speak English well. Students could improve and obtain English as a foreign language so as not to be left behind by the times and technology. According to Santoso & Ginting (2015) suggested that the bilingual language has several types including: Full English mean the of English completely in the teaching process. Full is define as there is no any other language expect English, Dominant English means the implementation of English dominantly in the teaching process. As a second language is applied more predominantly than the other language, Indonesian, Balanced bilingual is the implementation of the two languages in balance in the teaching process. All the instructions are divided equally across the two languages, Code mixing bilingual is the use of two languages is multaneously, Full Indonesian means the use of full Indonesian in the teaching process. Indonesian is fully applied in the teaching without any inferences from the other language,English. Researcher finding 2 utterances that are Full English and Code-Mixing Bilingual.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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