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Title: A Semiotic Analysis Of Nandong Performance In Aceh Simeulue
Authors: Sari, Cut Rista Miranda
Keywords: Semiotic Meaning;Nandong Smong;Signs
Issue Date: 6-Oct-2019
Abstract: This study deals with semiotic meaning of Semiotic sign in Nandong performance of Aceh Simeulue. It was aimed at investigating the meaning of signs Nandong performance in Aceh Simeulue culture. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research. Sources of data obtained from the community and also the government in Aceh Simeulue especially in Trans Maranti area. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique, by finding the signs and interpreting the meaning of signs in Nandong performance of Aceh Simeulue. The results showed that there were consisting of 5 stanzas, consists of Enggelan mon sao surito, Inang maso semonan, Manoknop sao fano, Uwilah da sesewan, Unen ne alek linon, Fesang bakat ne mali, Manoknop sao hampong, Tibo-Tibo maawi, Anga linon ni mali, Uek suruik sahuli, Maheya mihawali, Fano me singa tenggi, Ede smong kahanne, Turiang da nenek ta, Miredem teher ere, Pesan navi-navi.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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