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Title: The Effect of Applying STAD Type Cooperative Method Assisted By Dungolingo Media on the Student Achievement Identifying Main Idea of Paragraph
Authors: Pasaribu, Delsiana
Keywords: STAD Strategy;Main Idea;Reading;Students’ Achievement
Issue Date: 11-Oct-2019
Abstract: Type Cooperative Method Assisted byDungolingo Media on the Student Achievement Identifying Main Idea of Paragraph. This research was conducted at SMK PAB 3 MEDAN ESTATE. There were 2 classes which taken for this study in each class there were 24 students in X-AK and 17 students in X- OP. this number was taken as the sample of this study by using the total sampling Then, the research data were obtained by giving the test to the students in experimental and control groups. Reading test was used as the instrument. Each group was given a pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The result of this study showed that t-test (12.63) was higher than t-table (0,188), at ∝= 0,05 anddf 41.The final hypothesis showed that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. It can be concluded there was a significantEffectof Applying STAD Type Cooperative Method Assisted ByDungolingo Media on the Student Achievement Identifying Main Idea of Paragraph.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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