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Title: A Critical Discourse Analysis Of The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s Address Of Christchurch Mosque
Authors: Syahfitri, Desi Indah
Keywords: Critical discourse analysis;Macrostructure
Issue Date: 20-Sep-2019
Abstract: Recently there was a shooting at the Christchurch Mosque that killed the people who were worshiping, and the Prime Minister Jacinda Arddren descended to provide support and preach what actions were carried out by the Christchurch government. To find out the use of language in the Prime Minister Jacinda Arddren's speech, the question arised what was the language used in the Prime Minister Jacinda Arddren's Of Christchurch Mosque Accident, in answering this problem. The study was used qualitative research, this analysis model looked at the discourse by criticizing the text elements, the theory that the researcher used was Teun A van Dijk's discourse analysis theory with macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure elements.The results of the research were the structure of this speech which includes macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure. In the micro structure, the researcherfound themes that lead to actions to deal with and provide protection to the Christchurch community. The superstructure was the framework in the speech as well as the micro structure that discusses the sentences in interpreting the message contained in the speech. This speech could inspire how we gave speeches properly and correctly.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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