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Title: The Implementation of Top down processing Model through Speed Reading Method in Improving Students Reading Comprehension
Authors: Suriana
Keywords: Reading comprehension;Speed reading method;Top down processing model
Issue Date: 20-Sep-2019
Abstract: This research conducted to look at the improvement of students’ ability in achievement by applying top down processing model through speed reading. This study conducted by using classroom action research. There are two cycle, it was done through; planning, action, observation, and reflection. The population of the research was XI of SMK MUHAMMADIYAH-18 PANGKALAN BERANDAN of 2018/2019 academic year. The subject of research consists of one class named XI TKJ-2 with 33 students. The technique of analyzing data was quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data were taken from the test and the qualitative data were taken from observation. The result of analyzed in the cycle I of the mean score was 68.63, the researcher saw 11 students getting able score. And they not enjoy and thier vocabularies had limited. Cycle II of the mean score was 84.69, the student looked focus and enthusiastic when doing the test because the student more understand about top down processing model through speed reading method by using media. There was also an improvement of behavior and participant in the class. It could be concluded that top down processing model could improve the students’ ability in achievement reading comprehension. The top down processing model through speed reading method were not used in narrative text only, but also the other text. These model and method can also be applied in any subjects.
Appears in Collections:English Language Education

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